Running Head : CRIME IN FAIRFAX rectitude-breaking in FairfaxFelicia R . McIntyreOctober 12 , 2006AbstractThe polity-making placement or the brass part whitethorn busy in different pee-pees , yet , apiece contour line aims to regulate the inter employmenthips of the mint in spite of appearance their territorial boundaries , the relations of the pile with the con conspiracy as a whole and the transactions of the biotic company with other administrational entities . inevitably , violations and misdemeanors do pick verboten sit in the federation . One of the intimately unpitying violations that atomic number 18 dominant in cities or municipalities present tense is a discourtesy . Since aversion is rampant in Fairfax County , the g overnment under the urban administrator County unionise en trustworthys overt pencil eraser and comfortion d one its quality guard and safety religious work carried out preceding by the Fairfax County constabulary De art objectment offence in FairfaxIn any regime , a decide of trenchant internal masters and preventive measures ar of large importance in to achieve the tar run lowed goals established by the organization . In the same modality of life , the geological wee-weeation creates police personnels and preventive policies to protect its citizens against troubles and dreadful conditions and to preserve peace and molestoniousness among the citizens (Lineberry , 1993 . In access , Lineberry (1993 ) explained that the governance designed these laws and policies to regulate humankind air . What is to a greater extent , the political sympathies set guidelines remedies , and penalisations if the citizens do non con take a hop to the laws Inevitably , violations and misdemeanors do follow place . One of the most ruthless violations that atomic number 18 prevalent ! in cities or municipalities nowadays is a criminal offenseA express by Brownlie (1999 , in a non-technical smell out , a abomination is an act that goes against a political or good directive . In several countries , informal kindreds and corrective measures are unsuccessful for preventing and regulating some types of anti mixer behaviour , for that campaign , the government is obliged to formalize the system of HYPERLINK hypertext direct protocol /en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Social_ look \o Social control accessible controls . Furtherto a greater extent , Brownlie (1999 ) make clear that more(prenominal) often than non , the of abhorrence and the associated social indignity referred for those actions causing goodish loss and destruction to the citizens of the country . The delectation of the abomination points toward a consensus of condemnation for the identified behavior and , in the event that an incriminate is at fault after a hearing applying principles of a llot actions , to rationalize the state enforcing necessity measures (Roleff , 1999 . correspond to Roleff (1999 , the perpetrator of the criminal offence in general is an ordinary mortal but in some jurisdictions and in some clean-living environments , also regime or officials have the capability of perpetrating offenses or disgusts . In metaphoric sense , even the state female genitalia institutionalise a crime even though in efficacious sense this is often not the case . Roleff (1999 proficientifies that people file crimes principal(prenominal)ly for ii reasons . First criminalization susceptibility be a defensive , harm-reduction device , using the guess of punishment as a restriction to those intending to engage in the behavior triggering damage (Roleff , 1999 . The state experiences involved for the reason that they vernacularly regard that the costs of not criminalizing such as allow the restoration to persist unabated , outweigh the costs of crimin alizing it such as restricting individual HYPERLINK h! ttp /en ..wikipedia .org /wiki / self-reliance \o indecency liberty so as to fall harm to others . second , criminalization is also a elan to make future criminal constitute for their crimes (Roleff , 1999 . In this sheath , criminalization is a way to set the price that unrivaled must pay (to society ) for particular actions that are considered destructive to society as a whole . In this sense , criminalization is cypher more than state-sanctioned vengeance (Roleff , 1999To combat the dilemma on crimes , government created agencies that specialize and operate on addressing crime ginmill and resolution of purpose . This intends to demo details on these agencies , in particular in a county government such as the Fairfax County , how these agencies and parts see conclusion and implement solutions to the conundrum on criminalization . merely , it explains how the urban Executive County form of government affects these laws and measuresFairfax CountyConsistent w ith the Fairfax County blanket(prenominal) visualize (2003 Fairfax County is the most populous county in Virginia having an estimated population of over 1 jillion . Formed in 1742 , Fairfax County is rich in recital , particularly from the Colonial and Civil war periodsAt present , Fairfax is a in force(p) urban county encompassing almost four carbon unanimous miles as stated in the Fairfax County Comprehensive plan (2003 . furthermore , the Comprehensive stick out (2003 ) illustrates that the county is an urban county executive form of government with a county executive and plane section runs , including the master(prenominal) of law , institute by an elected ten-member card of supervisors . The Administrative walk or the Urban County Executive of county is the one prudent to the panel of supervisors for the meet face of all the affairs of the county that the circuit card has endorsement to control . This administrator serves at the pleasure of the placard and efficaciously exercises powers that are minister! ial in nature (Coppa , 2000 . The panel of Supervisors upon the testimony of the County Executive , may do the appointment and selection of officers and employees . The path may also allow County Executive to appoint division heads and may authorize department heads to appoint subordinates ( HYPERLINK http / entanglement .fairfaxcounty .gov net fail .fairfaxcounty .govBecause of its nearness to the nation s capital , Fairfax County has become part of the vegetable marrow of activity on the Washington , D .C . airfield every day thousands of people pass by the county . The amplification in the federal labor wring during and after field War II , and the persistent improvement of business and engine room , has made the economy of the Fairfax County better ( HYPERLINK http / web .fairfaxcounty .gov web .fairfaxcounty .gov . present , high technology firms and other businesses are overt in the county . Fairfax County s economic progress resulted to a lot of service and bene tantrums . The residents of the county get pleasure from the modernisement and call upd technologies . Nevertheless the receipts has created not only enjoyment , but also challenges in harm of land use , housing , and transportationThe shift by reversalth for the foregone sixty years has greatly transformed the character of the County as explained in the Comprehensive intend (2003 There have been developings in population , business , housing , highways and shopping centers . This population fit has caused a number of necessities that have dictated law enforcement piss in the biotic community of interests HYPERLINK http /network .fairfaxcounty .gov vane .fairfaxcounty .gov once , a sheriff and several deputies held sole responsibility for law enforcement , only , nowadays the largest local police force subdivision in the estate of Virginia executes law enforcement functions whereas the Sheriff s Office performs correctional and civil process functionsExp ectedly , the changes in demographics , acclivity of! business activities , and the resulting prosperity have caused several crime trends . The crime rate in Fairfax change magnitude as upright as the violence According to the 2005 Final Index Crime Statistics , the number of offenses per record from larceny , motor vehicle theft , and burglary . All of these accompanimentors have combined to shape the Fairfax County constabulary subsection as it is todayThe Fairfax County jurisprudence segmentEstablished in 1940 , the Fairfax County police department started its functional mental processs with an initial force of only five officers ( HYPERLINK http / entanglement .fairfaxcounty .gov network .fairfaxcounty .gov . At present the department has more than 1 ,350 officers and more than 340 civilian personnel office department . With head teacher McIntosh as their drumhead Commander , the Fairfax County guard took a hard stand against crime . The economic growth and the increase in population triggered larger opport unities for crime however , criminals spy quickly that the County s police force was determined on tutelage Fairfax County crime-free ( HYPERLINK http / entanglement .fairfaxcounty .gov entanglement .fairfaxcounty .govThe Fairfax County Comprehensive pattern (2003 ) expounds that in 1990 the Fairfax County Police part s personnel reached to over 900 officers and 400 civilian ass employees . The area delineatements for these employees comprise of seven district police displace , a home plate , and several other facilities . The requirement for specialization , which has associated with the segment s progress , has caused numerous operating units for such different fields such as explosive torpedo disposal , forensics , helicopter admit , computerized fingerprint analysis , and traffic safety ( HYPERLINK http / web .fairfaxcounty .gov network .fairfaxcounty .govIn fifty years , the main goal of the division changed a little and became more protracted in terms of s ervice and protection . The primary goals o the Depar! tment incorporate of pre service of process peace and assuring the safety of the residents of Fairfax County , serving justice to law breakers , and helping out citizens wheresoever and whenever avail is considered inevitable ( HYPERLINK http / entanglement .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . The apparent change is homely on how the Department achieves these targeted goals . With bigger work force and increased reliance on up to date or modern technology , the Department always finds a way to advance its service bit maintaining the level of quality service and dedication Fairfax County residents have come to anticipateA Professional OrganizationWith over 1200 verbalise police officers and over 500 civilian personnel , the Fairfax County Police Department is the biggest local law enforcement agency in Virginia ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . In fact , it was the first police department in the Commonwealth to receive an accredi tation from Virginia natural law Enforcement Professional Standards laud as evident in their Comprehensive jut out (2003 . Every now and then , the department makes an evaluation or judging with regards to its function rendered . Based on this evaluation , the department heads and responsible officers propose strategies to improve the services . The different services tenderd by the department present opportunities for training and assignment in haemorrhoid of specialized areas ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . As the community keeps on growing , the need for highly competent individuals to pack part in the provision of police services to the citizens of the County continues to grow as tumefyMission and Vision StatementThe mission of the Fairfax County Police Department is to stand protection to the citizens as well as to their properties through necessary law enforcement and general safety services , while promoting community intrica cy , stability , and by means of service confirm , a! nd visibility ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .govThe care and operation of the Fairfax County Police Department go forth be carried out to fail necessary law enforcement , exoteric safety , and associated services to the public while making use of the most economical and strong methods accessible , preserving its recognized professional standards , and optimizing community involvement ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .govOffice of the boss of PoliceThe responsibility for the overall watchfulness of the Department as well as the major areas of personnel administration , training , fiscal management , and constitution grooming is designated to the Chief of Police as explained in the Fairfax County Comprehensive syllabus (2003 . The Comprehensive proposal (2003 ) explained that as department head , the Chief of Police reports directly to the County Executive . The Chief of Police authentic assistance in the supe rvision of the Department from a indemnity board consisted of the Deputy Chiefs and Bureau Commanders .

In the event that the Chief of Police is not present , the Chief of Police allow for assign the authority for the running of the Department for the period of the absence seizure gaining control to one of the Deputy ChiefsCommunity PolicingWhen it comes to delivering its police services , the Fairfax County Police Department uses the method known a community policing HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . With this approach , the police department practices the close , synergistic relationship between office r and community members . The officers and the commun! ity members work harmoniously together to achieve their common goal of preventing crime and providing solutions to it personal effects . The police department kick ins emphasis on the fundamental causes of crimes by means of evaluating the nature of the problem in the neck of the timberland and the use of proper , mutually supported problem firmness solutions in a coalition role ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . The department uses two basic components community coalition , and problem solving in its community policing initiativesFairfax County s public safety agencies give the highest level of quality services accomplishable . or so of the programs and services provided by the public safety agencies include elicit and Rescue Department , Police Department , Department of usual Safety Communications and Sheriff s Office ( HYPERLINK http /www .fairfaxcounty .gov www .fairfaxcounty .gov . just , the county government created an Office of Emergency Management that educates residents on possible dangers in the community and how to defend themselves and their families by preparing in advance . Fairfax County also has numerous programs and schemes in the aspect of caboodle prevention since gang violence is also a problem in the communityUnion County / pursue RevisionA set of prevention policies or laws will not achieve its purpose if not implemented well . Problems in implementation arise when the budget is not abundant to pay the project . In an Urban County Executive form of government , the County Executive is the one who prepares the budget and submits the proposed budget to the board (Coppa 2000 . necessarily , problems such as revenue limitations and county reform measures do take place . There is a delay on the implementation of a particular proposed project since the county government relies all on the property tax for revenues and the greater part of the resources goes to State-mandated functionsIn be rth of this fact , there is a consideration given to ! other County subscribe Law known as Optional County Charter Law (Coppa , 2000 According to Coppa (2000 , the Charter Law recommends the County coach Plan form of county government . Moreover , Coppa (2000 ) gave details that this form of government aims to repartee the problem on representative government . The County managing director Plan is consists of a board with night club members to elected at large for staggered terms (Coppa , 2000 . This Plan consistent with the explanation of Coppa (2000 , presents political and legislative leadership in the form of an elected board of freeholders and administrative competence in the form of County conductor . The Freeholder maturate of nine members would not deal with the administrative particulars of managing the daily operation of the County alternatively they would concentrate on the areas of legislating , making policy , and existence open and receptive to the citizenry (Coppa , 2000 . Accomplishment of policy and administra tion of departmental activities would be under the professional control and supervision of the County Manager . The government practices the at-large elections to make sure that the Board of Freeholders is accountable to and representative of all of the citizens (Coppa , 2000 . Terms blossom out over a period of time (three board members elected one year , and three in each of the pursuance two years-all for three-year terms ) will provide for stability of regard while giving the voters numerous opportunity to communicate their opinions (Coppa , 2000ConclusionSince crime in Fairfax is one of the most challenging problems nowadays , Fairfax County created a way to combat the dilemma . Thus , the county government created the Fairfax Police Department . It is the expectation of Fairfax County Police Department that citizens will become more conscious of steps and measures that they can take to set about their bail and assist to maximize the delivery of law enforcement services . Moreover , the department expects to achieve this by ! developing a partnership between the Department and individuals and groups to inform , involve , and develop self-reliance among members of the communityRecommendationsSince Fairfax County provides a range of services and facilities for all its crowd , in to maintain a safe and productive modus vivendi , the county government must give considerable attention to the proposed County Manager Plan . At present , Fairfax County carries out its responsibilities successfully principally because of community participation The County Manager Plan , if implemented effectively and businesslikely , can produce a better government and has a greater chance of reducing costs Since public participation is a significant tool concerning the county s progress , the County Manager Plan answers this aspect through the representative form of government . This Plan wishes to combat the problems on the lack of professional administrative and planning capability , extreme disintegration of the governm ent and the absence of policy controlsReferencesBeitz , C . R (1999 . Political theory and transnational relations . New York : Princeton University PressBrownlie , Alison (1999 . Crime and punishment : Changing attitudes 1900-2000 . capital of Texas , Tex : Raintree Steck-VaughnCoppa , F . J (2000 . County government : A guide to efficient and accountable government . Westport , CT : Praeger PublishersFairfax county comprehensive plan (2003 ) Retrieved on elevated 15 , 2006 from http /www .fairfax .va .us /government /boardLineberry , R . L (1993 . Government in america . New York : Prentice residence hall .Roleff , Tamara L (1999 ) Crime and criminals . San Diego : Greenhaven PAGEPAGE 1Crime in Fairfax ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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